Patients, furious elderly people and frail users with serious illnesses have been queuing for hours. Calling them inefficiencies would be an understatement because booking healthcare services or having a specialist visit at the Andriolu clinic in Porto Torres has become a nightmare.

The cause is in the IT system, cumbersome and slow, which looks more like a Dante's circle and which makes the booking procedure at the Cup difficult, but also just drawing up a therapeutic plan, registering a request or a prescription, practices and services that they concentrate on the same internet line as the healthcare facility, which has been clogged for months and which is causing the entire system to go haywire. The situation which has persisted for months has worsened since the Ascot doctors who always operate on the same internet line came into service. The optical fiber to strengthen the system has already been installed but testing is still missing and everything is proceeding slowly, with very long waits and tensions among patients who wait hours before being received. The losers are the users but also the operators called upon to act as a mattress between the users and the local health authority.

Reports to the ASL management are multiplying. Problems are daily with PCs that jam when having to make a personalized request, causing waits of up to hours. This morning yet another chaos, two diabetic patients risked hypoglycemia: "After queuing for over an hour I need to eat, the therapy requires it - explains a user - instead here they force me to wait for hours". The single booking center was blocked with knock-on effects also in the sectors of specialist visits.

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