Almost 45 thousand permanent positions in Italian schools, 44,654 to be precise. These are the numbers of the 2024 teachers competition, which starts today with the first tests, long awaited by Italian teachers. In Sardinia there are 1464 places up for grabs in nursery, primary, middle and high school. The number of candidates is much higher, reaching 14,504. «Our objective is to give stability to recruitment, selecting future teachers also in light of their aptitude for teaching, and this is why we have foreseen that, in addition to the internship, there , before hiring, also a simulated lesson at the end of the probationary period. The competition that starts today and the future hirings mark a further step forward to combat precarious employment and to guarantee students a quality education, promoting educational continuity", explained the Minister of Education and Merit, Giuseppe Valditara.

The written test takes place on a computer station, in the region for which the candidate has submitted an application to participate. Based on the number of candidates from each region, multiple morning and afternoon sessions were organized. Each aspirant will have 100 minutes to answer 50 multiple choice questions of non-disciplinary content, of which: 10 of pedagogical content; 15 of psychopedagogical content (including aspects relating to inclusion); 15 of methodological-didactic content (including aspects relating to evaluation); 5 on knowledge of the English language; 5 on the educational use of digital technologies. Each correct answer is awarded 2 points; 0 points are assigned to each incorrect or unanswered answer.

Candidates who achieve a score of at least 70/100 pass the written test and access the oral test. The oral test will have to ascertain the preparation of the candidates both from a specific disciplinary point of view and with regards to teaching ability: to this end, the candidates will have to carry out a simulated lesson. The written test for the nursery and primary school competition will take place in a maximum of 3 sessions, Monday 11th (morning and afternoon session) and Tuesday 12th March (morning session). The written test for the lower secondary school competition will take place in a maximum of 10 sessions, morning and afternoon, on Wednesday 13th, Thursday 14th, Friday 15th, Monday 18th and Tuesday 19th March. The preliminary operations of welcoming and recognizing the candidates of the morning session are scheduled from 8.00 am, with the test starting at 9.00 am; those of the afternoon session from 1.30 pm, with the test starting at 2.30 pm. To carry out the written tests, 3,712 educational institutions were involved (equal to 45.9% of the national total), with 82,339 computerized stations.


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