Two patients in intensive care. Three others hospitalized in the medical department of the Nostra Signora della Mercede hospital in Lanusei. All affected by the flu. In intensive care the two patients are fighting an A/H1N1 virus infection, the so-called swine flu. Their conditions are serious. One from Bari Sardo, 60 years old, and the other 45, from Tertenia, are intubated. In particular, the clinical picture of the latter is considered rather critical.

The Ogliastra Local Health Authority is keeping its guard up: «In Ogliastra, at the moment, there is no alarm related to the flu: the company however maintains maximum attention to the phenomenon». From the hospital the Company specifies: «There are currently two people in intensive care affected by pneumonia caused by type A influenza virus, another 3 have required hospitalization and are admitted to the medical unit».

The ASL invites the entire population to remain vigilant. The symptoms of flu are represented by rhinorrhea (runny nose), pharyngitis (sore throat), cough, fever, malaise and asthenia (tiredness), in some cases breathing difficulties may arise ( dyspnea, i.e. shortness of breath) which represent a alarm bell. This can happen when the flu affects the lower respiratory tract (flu pneumonia). «The only truly effective measure to prevent the flu or to prevent its serious forms - the company explains - is represented by the flu vaccination. Vaccination is recommended at any time, even late in the flu season. To prevent contagion it is important to observe good respiratory hygiene and regular hand washing."

The ASL, led by manager Andrea Marras, recalls that the vaccine is intended in particular for the over 65s, fragile populations, pregnant and post-partum women, long-term care patients, people with chronic diseases (such as diabetes), heart and respiratory diseases or immune system problems, to some categories of workers such as health and social-health personnel, police forces and firefighters, farmers or those who work in contact with animals, to blood donors.

In Ogliastra it is possible to get vaccinated by contacting your GP or by going to the ASL vaccination centres: on Wednesdays in Tortolì, in the clinic, from 9am to 1pm, on Thursdays in Jerzu in the Hygiene and public health service, from 9am to midday , on Fridays in Lanusei, in the premises of the Hygiene and public health service, from 9am to 1pm.

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