At the Duilio Casula Polyclinic in Monserrato it is time for advanced training in surgery. Yesterday and today, in the classrooms of the Training Center of the Faculty of Medicine, the Cagliari University Hospital and the University have implemented a course to learn the best techniques in an immersive and cutting-edge reality.

This is the CCrISP (Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient) course, an interactive course created by the Royal College of Surgeon of England that combines the theoretical knowledge and practical skills necessary to care for complex surgical patients with a high risk of complications .

Competent teachers of both surgical and anesthetic specialties from the Niguarda Hospital in Milan and the Papa Giovanni XXIII Hospital in Bergamo guided the residents in acquiring, through small group lessons and clinical cases, a method of approach and management of the patient critical surgery.

Important topics such as sepsis , organ failure , acid/base balance , nutritional aspects and other important topics were addressed.

The course was requested by the Department of Surgical Sciences directed by prof. Piergiorgio Calò, director of General Surgery of the Aou of Cagliari, together with the dean of the Faculty of Medicine prof. Luca Saba (director of Radiology of the Casula Polyclinic), to the coordinator of the Specialization Schools prof. Gabriele Finco (director of Anesthesia at the Casula Polyclinic) and featured prof. Luigi Zorcolo, director of proctological colon surgery at the AOU.


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