Road surfaces smooth and shiny like long mirrors of asphalt. With horizontal signs lit in yellow and white. The aligned sidewalks and the well-kept greenery. In the center and in the suburbs: from via Grazia Deledda to via Sauro, from via Milano to viale Monastir. There are over twenty road construction sites that the Cagliari administration is preparing to open between now and October. Investment: over 2 million euros.

"The works had already begun, in via Grazia Deledda, and were preceded by a survey of the conditions of the roads capable of highlighting their level of danger", explains the mayor Paolo Truzzu. On the basis of this and on the extent of the vehicular flows pouring into the streets, a «program of interventions to be implemented as a priority» was therefore drawn up , over the next 3 months, «with the schools closed, during the summer holidays», to minimize minimal impact on traffic.

"This first phase - concluded Truzzu - will be followed by others, because one of the objectives of the municipal administration is to improve road safety".

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