December, winter. But in Sardinia it is almost like spring. The temperatures on the island, as well as in Sicily and in a large part of the South, in fact continue to remain mild and could even reach 25 degrees in the next few hours.

But why, even though it's the end of the year, is it so hot?

«The African anticyclone – explain the experts of Il – does not let go of the grip on the Mediterranean basin and the weather-climatic conditions have by now taken on connotations far removed from the normal standards of this period of the year . In short, although we are now in winter, in some areas we are registering thermal values that are even typical of spring due both to the stable weather conditions, with moderate sunshine in many regions, and to the warm winds that feed the high pressure itself, currents which originate directly from the heart of Africa».
"And it is precisely because of the presence of this high pressure dome in the Mediterranean area - continue the meteorologists - that the great cold is forced to remain confined to more northern latitudes than our country".

Sardinia, as mentioned, is one of the Italian regions characterized by spring temperatures.

«To get an idea – the experts of Il explain – just look at the map relating to the maximum temperatures forecast for Wednesday 28 December (see below, ed): notice how the dark red colour, which represents values close to 24/25°C , it will affect some internal sectors of eastern Sicily, the southernmost ones of Calabria and the south-western part of Sardinia . The areas where we will have maximum peaks between 18 and 22°C are indicated in lighter red, while in orange/yellow those with values (respectfully for the period) expected at 12/16°C».


But how long will it last? «No major changes are expected in the short term and the latest update, which has just arrived, confirms it. However - conclude the meteorologists - just at the end of the Christmas holidays, around the Epiphany, a thermal change could occur, due to the possible irruption of icy currents from Russia towards the Mediterranean basin and therefore also towards Italy ".


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