There are still many aspects to be clarified regarding the accident in Siamaggiore on 24 February which claimed the life of Pietro Nicolai . And the prosecutor's office ordered the seizure of the body of the 52-year-old traffic policeman, who died eight days after falling from a height of about seven meters while pruning a pine tree in his home in Pardu Nou.

The judiciary has also seized the medical records, and further investigations will be carried out in the next few hours . In fact, initially there was talk of a branch falling onto the lifting basket which would have overturned it, causing the two to fall into the void. From further investigations, however, it would appear that there was a technical problem .

A 44-year-old worker from Oristano, owner of the company that was carrying out the maintenance, was also involved in the fall. The man is still hospitalized in serious conditions at the Brotzu hospital in Cagliari.

Further details in Valeria Pinna's article on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands and in the digital edition

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