Firefighters still in action in Pitz'e Planu, in the territory of Selargius , to secure the area outside the nomad camp devastated by a fire between the 387 state road and the Su Pardu road. The area is now being reclaimed with the use of a second bulldozer: the local police with the deputy commander Antonio Milia and the carabinieri who are trying to trace the causes of the fire and any responsibilities with the same traffic police.

Hell broke loose in the early afternoon: the devastating flames developed around 2pm, attacking household goods, waste and old car carcasses. Piles of tires were also on fire with the smoke that invaded the territory, making the air unbreathable: a few dozen children residing in the nomad camp were evacuated at the behest of the local police. The same family members took them, while the firefighters threw tons of water on the hell that burned for several hours, then leaving room for two bulldozers that removed debris, car carcasses and tires to circumscribe the fire.

The local police and the carabinieri together with the police at a late hour carried out a thorough inspection among the ashes: the aim is to trace the origin of the maxi-fire. In this regard, the confidentiality is total. More should be known tomorrow.

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