After the protest marches, "the acampada". Also in Sassari, as in other Italian university cities, the Students' Assembly for Palestine organized a three-day awareness-raising event on the ongoing genocide against the Palestinian people which includes a demonstration with tents and banquets. Last night at the end of the court some students set up some tents in Piazza Santa Caterina, the square in the historic center adjacent to Palazzo Ducale, and spent the night there.

"The acampada" will last until Sunday morning. It will be possible to both request information and make donations for the population of Gaza. «The situation of the Palestinian people is getting worse - explains Emanuele, a student - and therefore the political path is also taking a further step to continue to keep attention on the issue. Sassari must also demonstrate that it has the ability to mobilize seriously. It is the first time we have witnessed an event like this in our city, we are sending a big signal."

Today's events moved to the nearby Piazza del Comune to make room for the Confirmations in the Church of Santa Caterina. There will be a debate on internationalism in the morning, a debate on Palestinian art and culture and on the deconstruction of the image of the Palestinian woman in the afternoon and finally artistic and musical interventions from 6pm.

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