Since Giovanni Caboto was an expert navigator, to extricate himself from the pitfalls of the street named after him, in the Latte Dolce district of Sassari, one would need to be expert navigators like him. Especially motorists who have to dodge holes as deep as craters, but also pedestrians on the sidewalks must avoid getting bogged down in tarps abandoned by some rude person and never picked up by Sassari's urban sanitation staff.

Materiali abbandonati (foto Tellini)
Materiali abbandonati (foto Tellini)
Materiali abbandonati (foto Tellini)

A situation therefore from the third world that has lasted for a long time. And to say that the Municipal Administration of Sassari, after long protests, intervened by bituminous and arranging some adjacent arteries. While in the stretch of via Caboto time has stopped and things are getting worse. This time a serious and above all lasting intervention would be urgently needed.

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