Sassari, free blue stripes for the dehors of clubs
The Municipality's decision: «First sign of attention to the production system»Per restare aggiornato entra nel nostro canale Whatsapp
Just pay Saba Italia for the spaces used for their outdoor areas in Sassari. The same company that manages the “blue stripes” in the city will inform the interested businesses.
The waiver of the rights to the 19 parking spaces arises from the agreement established between the mayor Giuseppe Mascia and the councilor for Productive Activities Lello Panu . The Municipality has ensured the identification of additional spaces for paid parking to be assigned to Saba, thus allowing public establishments a great saving, considering that the annual cost of public land will go from 6 thousand to one thousand euros.
"It is a first sign of attention that we wanted to pay to the production system" explains Councilor Panu before announcing that "the regulation on the occupation of public land still requires a complete modification" and that "we intend to implement it together with the operators and only after having consulted with them".
An interface that will include the economic system as a whole, giving rise to a discussion on the problems and expectations of operators, but also on the projects of the municipal administration designed to relaunch the local economy.
«The first meeting is already set for the beginning of September – Panu declares – that will be the occasion to establish a pact for growth and agree on the method and areas of comparison».