"Ours is a peaceful protest against the violation of our freedom and our rights, such as being closed in the classroom during the break due to the fault of a few, the closing of the bathroom at certain times, and the lack of tools and equipment to work ". Banners and whistle in their mouths, so the students of the Istituto Alberghiero di Sassari return to demonstrate, for the second consecutive day, in front of the school gates after the school council's decision to carry out recreation only in the classroom.

"Nine hours locked up and with a mask", the boys complain. In the circular signed by the head teacher Antonietta Piras, the fifteen-minute break to consume the sandwich and the drink must be carried out strictly inside the classrooms. Furthermore, access to the toilets is prohibited during that interval. The reasons that triggered the measure would be attributable to the need to restore legality, after a few episodes related to marijuana smoking.

The circular establishes compliance with school entry times and on travel it is envisaged that the teachers of the laboratories and of Motor Sciences must pick up and accompany the pupils in the gyms and in the premises where the lesson is scheduled. It is also forbidden to introduce food and drinks from outside during class hours and to smoke inside the Institute and its appurtenances.

“They accuse us of smoking the joints, but they forget other problems related to the lessons, - underlines Francesco Orofino, one of the students of the fifth class - they neglect the lack of adequate premises and the lack of a refreshment point in a hotel institution. They also accuse us of being unprepared at the culinary level but we believe that the responsibilities are due to the number and methods of lessons ". During the demonstration also the intervention of the agents of the state police. A moment of confrontation was also held yesterday morning between the students and the head teacher, but the decisions taken remain firm.

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