Seven years' imprisonment for sexual assault and impersonation . This is the sentence pronounced yesterday, in court in Sassari, by the panel chaired by Monia Adami against a 38-year-old of Campania origin for an affair that occurred two years ago in a hamlet in the Sassari hinterland.

According to the accusation, the man, a former penitentiary police officer stationed in Bancali at the time of the disputed episode, would have first created a false Instagram profile to control his partner and then, having broken off the relationship, he would have used it to arrange an appointment with she. Surprising her as she left the house and dragging her inside, under the threat of the service pistol, where he would finally force her to undergo sexual intercourse . Only with the promise not to report him did the woman manage to free herself and, once he had left, she turned to the police.

For the man, defended by the lawyers Marco Palmieri and Gioacchino Lo Sapio, the payment of a ten thousand euro compensation was also established. The charge of robbery which became private violence was reclassified. At the end of the discussion in the last hearing, prosecutor Mario Leo had asked for 11 years and 8 months in prison for the 38-year-old. Defense lawyers will appeal.

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