A 24-year-old unemployed man from Santu Lussurgiu was arrested by the police for attempted murder, on the orders of the investigating judge of the Court of Oristano.

The attack took place in the center of the town: the victim, a 50-year-old craftsman, was chatting with other people when he was approached by the young man who confronted him after noticing looks that, according to him, sounded like a provocation. Hence the scuffle culminated with the attack and the stab wound to the head just behind the ear. The victim was rescued and taken to Ghilarza hospital.

In the meantime, the station police arrived at the scene of the attack and reconstructed what happened.

Then the search at the 27-year-old's home, where in addition to the knife, 300 grams of marijuana were also found (hence also the charge for possession of narcotic substances for the purpose of dealing).

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