The renovation works of the Santa Giusta fishpond do not take off: for the fishermen there is the risk of not working for several months. Not indifferent damage and a lot of fear.

The interventions that were supposed to start in mid-February to restore the worn and dangerous iron structures, but also the crumbling concrete walkways that collapse to pieces, all thanks to that million euros financed by the Region in the context of Territorial Planning, for now they don't leave.

The stop comes from the Region. «From March 1st to July 31st it is not possible to carry out work of this kind due to environmental issues - explains the councilor for Public Works Pier Paolo Erbì - This was declared by the Region during the last services conference. The technical office immediately asked for an exemption to be able to start immediately. We still don't have any official answers. We were also in the Region a few days ago to solicit the practice. Await news".

For the fishermen of the Fishing Consortium, about 40, who manage the lagoon, this is an intervention they have been waiting for for some time. «Actually we were told that the delay depends on a technical problem - explains the president of the Consortium Emanuele Cossu - However, it would be good if the works started now that there is a biological standstill, and not in the next few months when the product will enter in the fishpond to then be fished. At that point it would not be possible for us to work, it would be enormous damage to our pockets. That would be the end."

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