Flood debris has been properly collected and disposed of. A good news. Except that the "certificate of regular execution" issued by the Province of South Sardinia concerns the calamitous event of 18 November 2013. Nine years: that's how long it took to remove the "rubble" that had been accumulated along the Provincial 59 , near Sanluri State.

The administrative deed that puts an end to the affair reconstructs all the bureaucratic steps, for a procedure that cost around 170 thousand euros.

The passage of the Cleopatra cyclone had also created damage in what was then the province of Medio Campidano. The administration had intervened immediately, to free up roads and canals. By ordinance it was decided that all the collected material should be stored waiting to understand where it should end up.

And here is the first hole: in September 2017 alone, the Region was asked for 360 thousand euros "for the reclamation of the area located along the SP 59".

The response from the Civil Protection came two months later: there were "only" 270,000 euros available. Those responsible for the procedure are appointed, but for the approval of the "further investments connected with the November 2013 emergency, where it is announced that the work in question has been included in the aforementioned plan", it is necessary to wait for a resolution from the Region, which arrives in March 2018. On 10 January 2019, the extraordinary commissioner of the Province signs the "acknowledgement of the financing and timing of the intervention". Twelve months later, in December, here is the "remodulation" of the expected timing. Which is "remodulated" again in December 2021: in the meantime two years have passed.

From here, thank goodness, it's all downhill: last March the contract was awarded to a company from Tortolì, Sarda Lavori. Which in October removed everything and moved on to the final collection. A few months of intervention, nine years after the flood.

Henry Fresu

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