In Su Stangioni there is an area "with high hydraulic risk". The Municipality of Cagliari said it, the Council of State reiterated it: today the appeal of the landowners, who wanted to build houses, was rejected without appeal. Not only. Along the 131 dir, next door, where the former incinerator stands, Palazzo Bacaredda has spent millions, and has others coming from the Pnrr already committed, for the construction of the waste transfer station.

The sentence on the one hand and the project already financed on the other are not compatible with the plan of the Region which would like to move the new stadium between the state roads 131 Dir and 554 ( full details here ). Much more than an idea. There are renderings, as anticipated by L'Unione Sarda. And there is also a municipal councilor very close to the entourage of Villa Devoto, Marcello Polastri, who publicly speaks of "institutional negotiations in progress".

Even if one of the institutions, the one that administers Cagliari and is led by Paolo Truzzu, remains firm on Sant'Elia. And he's been working on it for years. The stadium intrigue served, when in theory we should have gone towards the end of the match.

THE COUNCIL OF STATE. The story is known. A group of landowners in Su Stangioni wanted to develop a subdivision. In 2014 the Municipality did not give the go-ahead "noting a series of critical issues, including that of the need for special studies in an area with high hydrogeological risks" , explains the councilor of Possibile, Giulia Andreozzi. Which gives an account of the first appeal of the private individuals, rejected by the TAR, and of the sentence of the Council of State issued today, which rejects the further appeal. The judges of Palazzo Spada, tracing the documents of the Municipality technicians, write that the studies on the area “were started by considering the entire catchment area of the Rio Fangario. From the first checks carried out, it appears that the entire Piano road, from which access to the compartment of the detailed plan is envisaged, falls within an area of very high hydraulic risk Hi4». That is, maximum danger of flooding. It is difficult to think that, under these conditions, a stadium and even a fair can be built, as the Region wants to do.

THE PLANS OF THE MUNICIPALITY. The Municipality, since the Zedda era and with Paolo Truzzu, has worked for the new plant in Sant'Elia. So much so that where the Region wants to build the stadium parking lots, according to the render, the Town Hall has planned an exchange area for vehicles that transport waste. An important work which, with construction sites already closed and still to be built, has already required an investment of 9,930,000 euros. The last resolution of the council dates back to last November: 1,867,099.61 euros have been allocated for the "Works to adapt the access road to the transfer station". Trucks loaded with waste must be parked there for the Municipality, not fans with their cars.

THE ADVISOR. The one who works in the Municipality (majority banks) but apparently communicates a lot with Villa Devoto, is the Sardinian councilor Marcello Polastri. Replying to a reader who complains about this strange ballet, he clarifies: «At present, institutional dialogues are underway for the sale and acquisition of areas» , he begins, «among these the possibility of building the new and eagerly awaited stadium in a peripheral area of the city», i.e. Su Stangioni, «served by already existing road arteries. Unfortunately», is the message, «the Sant'Elia project has been at a standstill for too long. The Region could also make this page of collective interest turn around ».

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