The opening days and times of the eco-centre are also indicated on the website of the company that deals with door-to-door waste collection. But we also read that the service is available to all users regularly registered for the waste tax who need to dispose of non-hazardous waste, of domestic and non-domestic origin. All right, but if the service was active.

In Riola the eco-centre never came into operation. On the provincial road 292, towards Cuglieri, for now there is an unfinished project despite the money allocated more than ten years ago by the Region: 101 thousand euros. Plus another 40 thousand euros a couple of years ago. Work to build the structure started in 2020. At the time, however, someone didn't like it and one night the writings "No to the eco-centre" appeared on the street. The work stopped shortly thereafter. And then resumed a few months ago. Now another stop. The only active service, besides door-to-door, is the collection of bulky items and special waste.

The minority asked for explanations from the city council several times regarding the failure to open the eco-centre, both with a question but also verbally during the approval of the budget. «The majority responded to the first question presented last October that the eco-centre would open its doors in June - comments councilor Irene Erdas - A few days ago, given that we are now in mid-September, we asked for further clarification. The answer was that the ecocenter will be active perhaps in December. In the meantime, however, after having accessed the documents on the specifications regarding separate waste collection, we do not rule out sending a complaint to the prosecutor's office. We want to understand, for example, whether the use of the eco-centre which is not yet active is included in the payment of the Tari".

Mayor Lorenzo Pinna: «Unfortunately, the staff in service at the Technical Office is reduced to a minimum. We only have one engineer, that's why so many projects get delayed. As regards the eco-centre, we will tender the last tranche of the works within the year. All that's missing is the floor."

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