A demonstration took place this morning in front of the Duilio Casula Polyclinic in Monserrato, under the organization of the USB and Nursind trade unions, to denounce the management of patients during the coronavirus pandemic.

"A very serious situation - said Christian Cugusi, Nursind manager - since the Covid principals are saturated, Covid patients are stationed in our hospital. With all the risks that can derive from this promiscuity between positive and negative. Medicine and the Emergency Department. We ask the Aou not to wait for the Region and to immediately provide for the creation of a bio-containment area, let's also call it a red area, with adequate personnel ".

The Usb also spoke of a shortage of personnel: "For months - reads a note - we have been denouncing this situation by being beautifully ignored. face the anger of patients and their relatives for a service that belongs to them and is denied them ". Then the request for a change of course: "We protest because we care about the treatments that patients deserve and are denied them. We protest to defend a public and universal health care, a respectable health system that does not turn hospitals into lazarets" .

THE POLYCLINIC - The response from the Aou is ready: “For two years a pandemic has been going on and it is spreading extremely far: a problem that is not only local but as everyone knows worldwide. And this unfortunately also affects the occupancy of the beds. Dignity and respect for patients - it is emphasized - are our motto and every decision we make is aimed at achieving this goal. In the Cagliari area before the pandemic there were 4 emergency rooms and 4 hospitals that welcomed patients: now, however, there are only two, Policlinico and Brotzu, and ambulances arrive in these two centers. The third bed in the bedrooms, for example, as has been repeated several times, is the only possible solution if you want to avoid patients staying in the corridors or worse in ambulances. Due to the pandemic, we have 500 fewer non-Covid beds in the metropolitan area and we are dealing with this with attention and determination ".

Finally, the company expresses “the utmost willingness to dialogue with everyone. This is why we have already scheduled meetings with all the trade unions that will be held regularly throughout the year ”.

(Unioneonline / ss)

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