He had gone to the bathroom to fill his classmate's water bottle. Francesco, 13, (the name is fictitious), wanted to do a kindness and certainly didn't expect that he would instead end up in the clutches of the pack. Three kids from his own school surrounded him in the middle school bathrooms, pushed and slapped him, leaving him on the ground in pain . The story is told by his mother, who will go to the police to file a complaint: «My son had moved away for a moment to go to the bathroom», she says, «when he was first threatened and then hit by these three bullies who had already been reported for their behavior . Not only us but all the parents of the class have been worried about this situation for some time."

Francesco told everything in detail: «They gave him a slap in the face» , continues his mother, «and he immediately went to ask the teachers for help just like I taught him. I always tell them "if you feel threatened or something happens you must go immediately and ask adults for help". The school immediately took action and the teachers immediately called me. I ran to get him and found him very shaken and scared." And it seems that threats, insults and pushes are not an isolated case: «The same three kids», says the mother again, «have also taken it out on another of my son's classmates in recent days. What makes you angry is not being able to feel safe even at school. The institute has assured us that they will carry out their checks and take the necessary measures."

From the institute they assure that «the school intervened promptly. Now we will summon the parents and hear from the children involved. The school's intervention certainly does not end immediately following the event. There will be a series of disciplinary actions to be taken."

However, the institute has always been at the forefront against bullying, «we have long collaborated with the local police and the police and organize specific meetings against bullying and cyber bullying. Every now and then there are kids who are over the top at an age where it is easy to do stupid things. We are talking about kids who must always be given the opportunity to improve and understand."

Giorgia Daga

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