The Municipality of Porto Torres is forced to face once again the emergency regarding burials .

An ordinance urgently establishes new methods and conditions to be applied for the temporary burial of the bodies in the niches currently unoccupied but assigned to private individuals and located within the municipal cemeteries in via Balai and Ponte Pizzinnu. Conditions valid until next December 31st .

The provision, issued by the mayor Massimo Mulas, intends to requisition , urgently and on a temporary basis until the end of the year, the cemetery niches already entrusted in concession to individual applicants but not yet used . An intervention that will be implemented according to the ordinary extumulation procedures of niches whose concessions have expired and not renewed in the cemetery of via Balai and the construction of new blocks of niches, ossuary cells and burial fields in the Ponte Pizzinnu cemetery. Therefore, the unoccupied niches, acquired by resident citizens still alive and of a younger age, will be temporarily assigned.

It is not permitted to make marble slabs in temporarily occupied niches and, in the event of the death of the concessionaire of the niche, the temporarily occupied space must immediately be vacated and the body may be transferred to another available place and always to be assigned on a transitory basis.

The obligation established by the ordinance for the relative of the deceased temporarily buried will be to leave the assigned niche free when the Municipality makes the definitive cell available. In any case, no charge or expense is due for the temporary burial, but the future exhumulation by transfer to the definitive niche will be due by the relatives of the deceased, who will go to occupy the permanently assigned cells.

The provisional nature, in any case, ceases with the granting of the definitive niche.

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