The high fares on transport to and from Sardinia continue, with the price of tickets to reach the island during next summer continuing to rise .

Whether traveling by plane or ferry, fares have reached levels that are almost unaffordable for a large part of Italian families.

In the week of August the trip for four people can cost from 1,100 to 2,300 euros . An entry tax that risks compromising the summer season: those who cannot afford similar expenses choose other tourist destinations, while those who do not want to do without the island must review their budget for the rest of the holiday (hotels, restaurants, establishments seaside resorts).

A ferry trip can cost up to 300 euros per person , while by plane it costs close to 600 euros for a return trip .

Further details and insights in Michele Ruffi's articles on L'Unione Sarda on newsstands and on the app

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