To sell their orthopedic aids (foot orthoses), they performed exams without the necessary professional figures and without a prescription.

Four people were reported by the Nas carabinieri of Cagliari in the territory of the Metropolitan City : they would have carried out baropodomteric examinations without orthopedic technicians and in the absence of medical prescriptions.

All to sell custom-made orthopedic aids in its own business managed in the Cagliari area.

The law requires that there is first a diagnosis of the dysfunction by the doctors, then the medical prescription of the orthopedic aid and finally the intervention of the technician specialized in the production of the products. All rules circumvented by the four accused .

The military seized the 4 baropodomoetric platforms (value around 30 thousand euros) connected to as many PCs and numerous administrative and health documents that would be a demonstration of the illegal activities.


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