The Cala Saccaia LNG depot in Olbia will not be built. The 'EnerClima 2050' project was rejected with a final no on the environmental impact assessment by the Ministry of the Environment and Energy Security.

The decree with the negative ruling is from a week ago and was adopted by the general directorate of environmental assessments of the Mase and the archaeological, fine arts and landscape directorate of the Ministry of Culture. The document acknowledges and considers the technical opinions, observations and additions received during the public consultation period of the Olbia Lng Terminal srl project.

The plan envisaged the construction of a methane terminal with a 40 thousand cubic meter LNG storage tank supplied by methane ships in the cargo port and a related combined cycle gas power plant, «sized to meet the energy needs of the territory of Gallura (North-East of Sardagna) to balance other renewable energy sources", reads the provision.

In particular, to issue the negative opinion of environmental compatibility, the precedents of the competent offices of the two ministries and that of the Higher Institute of Health were considered.

The project was supported by the city mayor Settimo Nizzi and opposed by the opposition, many citizens and entrepreneurs, in particular mussel farmers due to its impact on the gulf, despite some changes made during construction to reduce environmental risks. Applause for the rejection also came from the Gallura regional councilor of the M5S, Roberto li Gioi: « News that gives us back hope and which, without a doubt, legitimizes the validity of the protests of the Gallura citizens», writes the Five Star exponent, « for a project that could put at risk the very delicate ecosystem of the Gulf of Olbia where the most valuable mussels in the world have been bred for a hundred years."


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