Now it's official: the Todde Council has put an end to the project to build four new hospitals in Cagliari, Sassari, Alghero and in Sulcis Iglesiente started at the end of the just concluded legislature.

The executive has in fact approved a resolution that cancels the February resolution which took note of the feasibility studies presented by the local health authorities for the construction of the facilities. «We want to carry out a process that serves the Sardinians and not build empty boxes – explains Alessandra Todde -, a process that correctly redistributes resources both to existing hospitals which in many cases are suffering, especially the peripheral ones, and in the distribution of doctors». In short, before spending more than eight hundred million on new hospitals "we must understand well how to make the existing ones work and invest in hospital construction where needed".

The health companies presented the feasibility studies for the new hospitals: do you foresee changes at the top? «We are reflecting – concludes the president -, if only because none of the local health authorities have concretely approved budgets. If we are in a situation where Sardinian healthcare is at these levels we will need to understand where the responsibilities lie."

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