«25 years of disasters in Sassari». The electoral campaign for the municipal elections heats up with the declarations of mayoral candidate Gavino Mariotti this morning at the Hotel Da Vinci.

The occasion is the presentation of the list of Fratelli d'Italia, one of the center-right forces that support the rector.

«It was an enormous damage - continues the rector - not to become a metropolitan city. And all this because of the former president of the Pigliaru Region and others." But the original sin must be attributed to former mayor Anna Sanna a quarter of a century ago.

«The murder of this city was due to it when, for example, it broke Sassari to let Sirius pass», says Mariotti. Who then attacks the mayoral candidate for Campo Largo Giuseppe Mascia: «It is very serious that he boasts and boasts of his friendship with the president of the Region Alessandra Todde. I hope that we are all treated equally by you."

He is supported by the provincial coordinator of the party Barbara Polo and the city coordinator Luca Babudieri. "We are a party and we pride ourselves on it - says the second - enough with saying that politics is conditioned by Rome."

Sandro Mura of the national direction of FdI and mayor of Padria is on the same line. «Civicism is in fashion - Padria insists - but we are something completely different. Let's show up at the consultations with a fighting attitude." Because the votes must be sought one by one, as underlined by the regional councilor Francesca Masala and the coordinator of the Fiamma in Alghero Marco Di Gangi. The representative of the Catalan city himself sees the next administrative elections in a positive light. «The forecasts are in our favor. And we will be central to the victory."

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