Mourning in Borutta and in the world of politics and journalism for the death of Giovanni Gariazzo, 97, former president of the ACLI of Belgium, where he lived for over thirty years working in the press office of the European Parliament, based in Brussels.

He died in silence in his home in Borutta, where he had chosen to move for about fifteen years, after being discharged from his professional activity. Married, with seven children - some of whom chose to continue their father's career - Giovanni Gariazzo is remembered for his battles in favor of Italian and, in particular, Sardinian emigrants, during the period of the event to celebrate the thirtieth anniversary of Sardinia's autonomy which was held in Brussels in the main hall of the Italian consulate. An important event, that of the election of the European Parliament, in 1978, in which all emigrants had the recognition of the right to vote. He had been a candidate for the European Parliament in the party of the former Christian Democrats.

"For us, a great figure - said the mayor of Borutta, Chicco Arru - important for his commitment to the protection of migrant workers in Belgium and for his need to maintain the strong bond with his roots". The funeral will be held tomorrow, Saturday 7 April, in Borutta in the church of Santa Maria Maddalena.

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