After 13 years spent in the parish of Maracalagonis, Don Elvio Puddu greeted the population with the celebration of Vespers after his appointment as parish priest of Quartucciu.

There was so much emotion with the participation of citizen committees as well. «We greeted and thanked Don Puddu - said the mayor Francesca Fadda - for his priceless teachings through his cordial work, carried out for the good of our territory: his attentiveness to the most needy people and his spirit of hospitality have left the sign by making the community grow in harmony with the strongest values".

To Don Puddu, the municipal administration gave a gift on behalf of the population. Don Elvio was appointed parish priest of the church of San Giorgio martyr in Quartucciu.

The new parish priest, Don Nicola Praxiolu, will arrive on November 16th.

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