Sardinia , land of centenarians. Not new, and the Eurostat study on life expectancy in Europe (estimated at 2021) confirms it. According to the analysis, the island would reach an expectation of 83 years . An age decidedly higher than the average of the Old Continent, down to 80.1.

In particular, it emerges that the region with the highest life expectancy is that of Madrid , which reaches 85.4, while the least long-lived are in Bulgaria , even 69.7 in Severozapaden.

More generally, the areas at the top of the ranking are in Spain , the Scandinavian peninsula and, precisely, in Italy . The Belpaese itself boasts several areas in the highest range, even if, apart from Sardinia, these are only northern regions: the Autonomous Province of Trento is the leader, which even exceeds 84.


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