The soldiers of the Sassari Brigade still at the forefront of blood donation.

The dimionios have responded to an appeal from the Aou di Sassari transfusion center and so in recent days the bloodmobiles of the university hospital in collaboration with the provincial Avis stopped at the Gonzaga barracks where men and women of the Sassari Brigade Command, of the 152th Infantry Regiment and of the 45th "Reggio" Command and Tactical Support Department were able to undergo sampling, donating several bags.

“An important gesture - explains a note - in a region where blood shortage is a chronic problem. Annually 110,000 transfusions are needed but only 80,000 are donated in Sardinia, the other 30,000 units come from other regions ”.

"Unfortunately, for a long time we have been experiencing a permanent and serious problem which is that of lack of blood", underlined Pietro Manca, director of the Immunohematology and Transfusion Medicine Service of the hospital of Sassari.

"I would like to thank all the soldiers who donated because they enthusiastically accepted the invitation to join the donation campaign and once again proved to be very sensitive on this issue".

(Unioneonline / lf)

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