No internet, nor the possibility of making an ordinary phone call for most of the inhabitants of Barbagia-Mandrolisai. Since yesterday evening around 8pm , probably due to a generalized breakdown affecting the entire area, users of various telephone operators have been totally isolated . In many cases, the damages have extended only to the ADSL and fiber networks, in others they concern the mobile network, both data and telephone.

But the absence of internet in Desulo, Aritzo, Gadoni, Sorgono, Tiana, Teti, Atzara (these are some of the towns concerned) is especially serious due to the stoppage of services. In fact, not only are companies unable to work, but also the post office and the bank, and thus the municipal offices, cannot be operational because the internet does not work.

From the first reconstructions it appears that in recent days work has been done on the telephone and internet networks, of which, however, the population, at least officially, had not been warned.

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