«Hunting is not an activity for men only, here they look at me like a Martian but I have the respect of my son and my family». Francesca Gambula, 44 years old, professionally employed at Saras, began cultivating this passion in 2020, breaking down every gender stereotype, but not without difficulty. During his childhood in a very normal family, the usual domestic activities and some excursions in the woods. Perhaps the passion for nature and the desire for adventure were born here. Thus she was a pioneer for the women of Capoterra in an environment traditionally dominated by men: Francesca courageously faced prejudice and earned the respect of her family and community.

Initial difficulties?

«It is a passion that I have always had, but which I cultivated late. I started as a hitter on a Sunday for fun. It was tiring, but passion wins over everything. In 2020 I decided to immerse myself in this activity. I got my gun license during Covid. There were many difficulties, but the desire to start was even stronger."

The first day?

«I was so excited, but it was raining and I slipped. A branch hit me and I lost sight in one eye. I didn't let it get me down: the following Sunday I was already in the field, with the rifle on my shoulder and one eye bandaged. I have never given up in life.

What is hunting for you?

«It is an experience that deeply involves both the body and the mind. I believe in the conviviality of people, in pursuing a daily purpose, in facing difficulties, concentration and adrenaline. There are so many emotional aspects that come into play, I can't fully explain my passion."

A woman in a man's world.

«My entry into this world of hunting represented a real shock. An important shock. In an environment traditionally dominated by men, my presence aroused different reactions: some welcomed me with respect, while others turned their backs."

Who was close to her?

«My son was my first fan. and then my brother comes with me hunting. For me this is enough."

Cruel sport.

«Despite being a passionate hunter, I have set myself a very clear rule during hunting trips: I only aim at wild boars. I love animals, I have many at home, I know it seems like a paradox. My choice to target wild boars has a specific reason: I don't get emotionally attached to them like I do to other animals. I also consider them dangerous, they represent not only a threat to the natural environment, but also to human communities."

Capoterra has always been considered one of the poaching capitals.

"It's true that in the past the shadow of poaching has long weighed on the municipality of Capoterra, but it's no longer the same as before, the label has remained, but the habit has almost completely disappeared."

It doesn't seem like it from the news.

«Maybe someone still does poaching sporadically, but times have changed, the mentality in Capoterra is now different. However, it is an activity that I abhor, I would never risk having a gun license for which I worked so hard for being withdrawn for a simple thing, for a complaint or a conviction. We are hunters, don't call us poachers anymore."

Michele Porcu

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