At the Santissima Trinità in Cagliari there is parking chaos . Not because the stalls aren't there, but because the few available have been further reduced and reserved for the "chosen". The Fials union wrote this in a note, denouncing the hardship to which not only the employees - including health workers, nurses and other staff - but also the patients will be subjected, often forced to leave their cars far from the hospital near the market of via Quirra .

The news did not go unnoticed. Blue stripes have arrived to delimit the space - no longer for everyone. Among the discontent is also the failure to arrange the dirt road in front of Cus Cagliari , on the Italo Stagno school side, «an area which – writes Fials – should have been quickly arranged and made safe, and which instead, after three long years, still lies in its historic conditions , i.e. impracticable especially after rain".

Then the jab at ASL 8 of Cagliari, with reference to the "vain promises of easy resolutions". "Like all workers, we are still at the stop waiting for the famous shuttle bus to transport employees from the car park in Via Romagna to within the hospital walls", concludes the union.


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