End of a nightmare for a seventy-seven year old from a town in the Sassari hinterland, acquitted today in court with full acquittal.

It was the panel chaired by Monia Adami, alongside Valentina Nuvoli and Paolo Bulla that dropped the charges against the man, accused of attempted murder, kidnapping and mistreatment of family members.

It was reported by the wife who, in the complaint, reported threats, beatings and insults allegedly carried out by her husband from 2014 to 2016. With episodes such as the alleged pushes to make the woman, already seriously disabled, fall to the ground, the alleged attempts to suffocate her and, as the woman claimed, having segregated her in the house for seven days by threatening her with death. The seventy-year-old was allegedly given several punches and beatings by her partner, causing her injuries and the loss of some teeth.

But during the trial, as many as seven doctors, as the defense lawyer Stefano Carboni reported in the afternoon during the discussion, certified the woman's neurodegenerative condition which may have compromised her ability to read reality.

Prosecutor Maria Paola Asara had asked for acquittal but with the doubtful formula of the former article 530 which is implemented when there is no, insufficient or contradictory proof that the crime exists and that the accused committed it.

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