" For them I wasn't a person, I was an object , it wasn't important that I had a name, I was simply their entertainment and this shows that they felt they had the power."

Speaking in the Tempio Court is one of the victims of the alleged sexual violence of which Ciro Grillo, Beppe's son, Edoardo Capitta, Vittorio Lauria and Francesco Corsiglia are accused .

The newspapers "La Repubblica" and "La Stampa" published some excerpts of the girl's testimony, which was held in two hearings last 22 and 23 September, on what happened on the night between 16 and 17 July 2019 in the villa in Porto Cervo owned by the Grillo family.

The alleged victim was also filmed with a cell phone while sleeping on the sofa, with Lauria, Grillo and Capitta around her with offensive attitudes and clear sexual references .

«When I found out that I had been filmed while I was sleeping I felt as if there was no safety in the world, as if it was something that could happen many other times. Those who do these things feel they have power over the victim, the power that is given by their being male, twenty-year-old boys even with money ."

A night from which the girl, a Milanese student, emerged traumatised: «I think I would like to go out with a boy. Maybe I'm interested in someone, but I always have that thought in my head: how do you know he's not someone who would do something like that ."

The young woman also spoke about the way her life was turned upside down when the news began to circulate: «Initially when I heard about the photos taken in my head I pretended they didn't exist. Then, as the legal matter continued, I had to steel myself and admit that it was all true, they were difficult moments."

On 7 and 8 November and 13 and 14 December , the main accuser of the four will take to the witness stand, the Italian-Norwegian girl who reported having been raped on the same night in 2019.


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