Two communities united, Sassari and Porto Torres , by a collaborative relationship and by the ritual of exchanging keys celebrated on the day of San Gavino, patron saint of the city of Porto Torres.

It is the Festha Manna which opens with the solemn Pontifical , presided over by the archbishop, Monsignor Gian Franco Saba, and concelebrated together with the parish priests and priests of the diocese of Turrita in the majestic basilica of San Gavino.

A ceremony which, together with the procession on the day of Pentecost, represents the culmination of devotion to the Holy Martyrs of Turritani .

Present were the mayors of the area and their representatives, the civil and military authorities, representatives of the municipal administration and the first citizens of Sassari and Porto Torres, Nanni Campus and Massimo Mulas.

The keys were exchanged between the mayors and the parish priest, a rite that symbolized the belonging of the Porto Torres basilica to the municipality of Sassari which first received and then returned the keys to the parish priest of the church for safekeeping and administration.

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