In the deed that authorizes it, the purchase is defined as "urgent and unfailing" . Therefore, the general director of the ASL of Sassari Flavio Sensi could not do without a mobile phone device. He needs that cell phone to work. And here comes the resolution saying yes to the purchase of a smartphone on November 17th. But not just any one: a Samsung S23 Ultra is intended for the DG, which will become available through a transition on the Mepa. Cost: 1900 euros, which rises to 2,318 if VAT is added. The local health authority pays.

"A boatload of money", clearly denounces the regional councilor of the 5 Star Movement Desirè Manca. Who defines Sensi as a "lucky owner of an ultra-luxury telephone". Not only that: in the resolution, which bears the manager's signature, we read that the request for the device came from Sensi. Who asks for it and authorizes himself to buy it.

«Despite the fact that the offer of mobile phones is wide», observes Manca, «and allows you to find smartphones with identical characteristics at different price ranges, the public administration, especially in this period in which a good portion of the population is in very serious financial difficulty , chooses to spend exorbitant amounts. Figures which on the ASL budget may appear negligible but which in the eyes of the citizens and in the pockets of the Sardinians are a huge waste for the public coffers".

On the matter, the Penstastellata announces a question addressed to the Health Councilor, Carlo Doria. «Even in this case», concludes Manca, «the Sassari Local Health Authority has missed an opportunity to set a good example by choosing adequate tools at sustainable costs. But no, he spends thousands of euros on a telephone, in spite of the crisis, in spite of the Sardinians."

Going to see the Black Friday offers: the same phone can be found at 1,499 euros. Not a little. But about 800 euros less.

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