In Sardinia, Covid cases are still on the rise.

On the island, infections are growing day by day ( yesterday 189 positive out of 2,745 people checked ), with an increase of 24.3% in new reports in the last week (Gimbe data).

It is true that the number of beds occupied by Covid patients in the hospital is below the saturation threshold: 4% in the medical area (you must not go beyond 15%) and 6% in intensive care (the risk is more than 10% ). However, epidemiologists warn, it is good not to think only on the data of hospitalizations and the lack of pressure on hospitals, because then there is a risk that the situation will go out of control even more in this particular period of the year, with the approach of the Christmas holidays and the arrival of intense cold.

So from yesterday in Cagliari it is mandatory to use a mask even outdoors, a prescription that could also be imposed in the rest of the island.

“Prudence and common sense - recommends Ferdinando Coghe, medical director of the Cagliari Aou and head of the analysis laboratory -. The infectious clusters recorded in recent days, in Sulcis for example, must make us reflect on the excessive lightness of behavior. You have to get vaccinated, be careful, put on a mask and avoid gatherings. Nobody likes spending Christmas indoors, right? And then it would be advisable to live everyday life normally respecting the rules and avoiding certain extravagances. It is about health, freedom, our future and that of others. So let's start by giving ourselves a gift: a more peaceful and serene Christmas ".

POLEMIC ON MASKS - Between those who say that "I did not know that the obligation would start already on the first weekend of December" and those who admit that "I did not know there was an obligation even outdoors", the Cagliari people appear divided on the first day of the day compulsory outdoor masks at certain times and in certain areas of the city (the center, the shopping streets, on weekends, holidays and days before holidays, on Saturdays and Sundays also at Poetto).

Many walk in via Garibaldi, in via Manno and in Corso Vittorio without realizing that the anti-Covid rules have changed: half circulate on the street without a mask, someone keeps it under their chin, someone else in their pocket. All the others, however, wear it regularly and not just because it has become mandatory again.

Not everyone thinks so. There are many who adapt but contest the mechanism of the time slots. The ordinance of the mayor of Cagliari Paolo Truzzu, in fact, provides for the mandatory use of masks on certain days and at certain times: yesterday from 16 to 22, today and tomorrow from 10 to 22, while at Poetto every Saturday and Sunday in December from 9 to 14.

THIRD DOSES - Meanwhile, the agenda of the third doses gets clogged up on the Region's website and those who book even end in February. Thus comes the decision: an Open day already tomorrow at the Cagliari Fair (but only for the categories of workers who are obliged to immunize themselves) and the restart of the regional machinery of hubs and vaccination centers.

"Sardinia - comments the president of the Region, Christian Solinas - continues to achieve important results in the vaccination campaign against Covid".


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