The judges will decide in the next few hours, but perhaps it will take a few more days, whether to grant conditional freedom to Beniamino Zuncheddu , sentenced to life imprisonment and in prison for 33 years for the Cuili is Coccua massacre in Sinnai , where three shepherds were killed, in 1991.

The supervisory court of Cagliari, presided over by judge Cristina Ornano, reserved the right to decide at the end of the hearing in which the 59-year-old who has always maintained his innocence also took part.

Upon leaving, Beniamino Zuncheddu said that he would go straight to work and then return to prison in the evening , given that he enjoys the possibility of leaving Uta's cell to be able to work.

While the hearing was being held in court, a demonstration took place outside in which many fellow citizens of Burcei, the prisoner's town of origin, took part.

In addition to the lawyer Mauro Trudu, defender of Zuncheddu, the demonstration was also attended by Irene Testa, regional guarantor of people deprived of personal liberty, Maria Grazia Caligaris of the Socialismo Diritti e Reform association and the mayor of Burcei, Simone Monni. Also present were Don Ettore Cannavera and the singer Piero Marras.

Everyone is asking that Beniamino Zuncheddu, who has now become a symbol and also supported by the radical party, be set free.

In the meantime, the trial for the revision of the sentence is being held in Rome at the court of appeal, following the proposal of the then general prosecutor of Cagliari, Francesca Nanni.

At the end of the hearing no one wanted to make any statements: "In this delicate moment - only Trudu and Testa said - we want to respect the judges who reserved the right to decide".

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