He did not write it in the book he is promoting in recent weeks during a frenetic national tour, but Cateno De Luca with his "South calls North" continues to observe with curiosity the landscape of Sardinian politics with the intention of presenting, certainly to upcoming European elections, a list with its own symbol. «We are preparing for a direct commitment on your island too. We are at the window. Even in Sardinia, as in Sicily, we want to put down roots to assert the reasons for autonomy in the face of Rome's centralism. In the regional elections it will be difficult, but for the subsequent European elections we are working to present a list with a strong autonomist imprint. But it is absurd that Sardinia cannot elect its MEPs in an autonomous constituency. The current situation is a serious damage for the Sardinians who find themselves without elected representatives, unlike my Sicily which has eight. It is an injustice because representation is not guaranteed to a territory that must be put in a position to effectively bring its legitimate demands to Brussels and Strasbourg." Political notes included in the meeting which took place last night in the Giorgio Pisano room of L'Unione Sarda in which De Luca, leader of the "South calls North" movement and mayor of Taormina, but in the past also first citizen of Messina and Fiumedinisi ( his country of origin), presented “Not everything happened!” (published by Piemme). Urged by the moderator Franco Cuccureddu, former mayor of Castelsardo and founder of the newborn "Orizzonte Comune", he retraced his life through the volume.


The story of a young man who made it. A book about moments lived, between politics, passions and family affections, and about the future, a page yet to be written and discovered. «I am the son of a bricklayer and a direct farmer. I started working early, as a boy, to support my studies. I worked as a bricklayer, a bartender, a janitor, always with the aim of doing politics with my hands free. To the point of creating, this is the present, an autonomist movement which is the leading force in Sicily."

La presentazione del libro nella sala "Giorgio Pisano" a L'Unione Sarda
La presentazione del libro nella sala "Giorgio Pisano" a L'Unione Sarda
La presentazione del libro nella sala "Giorgio Pisano" a L'Unione Sarda

No regrets: «I am a person who hates regrets. It has almost never happened to me that I have to regret something I didn't do. I face choices decisively, hard-nosed, with the awareness that, in the event of a mistake, it is necessary to start again with renewed energy. It's my character. We must always dare to test ourselves, to see how achievable dreams and aspirations are . It is a useful impulse, a race that helps to achieve even unexpected goals, but which are achieved thanks to tenacity and willpower. I tell young people, based on my experience, that results are not achieved with shortcuts. Success is never a smooth road but a goal that requires sacrifices."

“I unleash”

He is considered a "Gian Burrasca" and does not reject the definition to the sender: «They also call me "Scateno". In the rooms of the Palace I like to move like an elephant in a glassware shop. I think it is the basis of my electoral consensus. In my many administrative experiences I have gone through different realities: from the town of a thousand inhabitants, my Fiumedinisi , a mountain village, up to a metropolitan city like Messina with 250 thousand inhabitants. In each municipality I have created a team that, even without me, continues along the path that has been traced. Something remains, the work undertaken does not stop." The great dream, which is not a secret, is to become president of the Sicily Region: « I came close to that goal, I got close to it on 25 September 2022 with the strength of my list . At the next electoral round I am convinced that we will succeed." It is the theme of the last chapter of the book dedicated to what has yet to happen in Cateno De Luca's life. A story yet to be written.

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