As the car was hitched to the tow truck, dance music blared from the tow truck. And the traffic policeman, intent on compiling the report, followed the rhythm with improvised dance steps around the vehicle.

So far the "playful" part of the story, which dates back to 4 in the night between Saturday and Sunday, when the streets were clearing for the passage of the Vivicittà race. The scenario is that of via San Lucifero, in Cagliari .

The problem, according to the testimony of the author of the video posted on social media, would be the alleged illegitimacy of the (many) sanctions, and therefore of the removals.

«The signs for the temporary prohibition of parking», explains SM, «were not placed more than 48 hours before the entry into force». This is the timing set by the Highway Code. He is certain: "I have photographic material to prove it: the problem is that no one has verified compliance with the deadlines dictated by law and some signs were barely visible".

Meanwhile, the minutes are effective. Any invalidation must go through an appeal, which must document the equally possible irregularity in the placement of the billboards. Which led to the penalties to the beat of the music.


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