New appeal to the institutions by the Usb Sanità against the " dismantling of Brotzu's Diabetesology which, without the establishment of a diabetes network, will have dramatic repercussions for diabetic patients ".

The protest by the union continues, which has promoted a collection of signatures that has already had 2,000 subscriptions and called a demonstration to be held on April 6 at the Brotzu entrance, starting at 9.30 .

«The watchword is to stop the closure of the Diabetes facility which will be transferred to the premises of Quartu S. Elena. Without a network project it will be a completely incomplete service - observes the union - It is unthinkable to create a mix of Diabetes: Brotzu has a structure of excellence that not only needs to be safeguarded but has the potential to become the leader of the diabetes network. In such a dramatic moment for our island health care where health answers are slow in arriving due to the drama of the waiting lists, we wonder what can push a political class now at the end of the line to persevere in such a nefarious design and above all without any planning " .

"To give timely responses to diabetic patients, there is certainly a need for a reorganization but it must be done with a view to a network design that identifies diagnostic and therapeutic pathways that must be integrated in the territory - explains the regional manager Usb Sanità Gianfranco Angioni - For to do this requires a permanent discussion within a special commission”.


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