To say no to tumors , to stay close to those involved in the fight against breast cancer , five hundred people took to the streets today in Burcei, joining the "Walk for The Cure". An event that mobilized practically every family, organized by Burcerese FC, in collaboration with the Municipality and all the local associations.

Each participant, with a donation of ten euros, received a t-shirt made for the occasion: the proceeds, over five thousand euros, will be donated to the "Susan G. Komen Italia" projects to fight breast cancer which will be developed in Sardinia . Also on Wednesday in Burcei, on the initiative of the Municipality, a conference on tumors with the oncologist Paolo Meloni will take place in the council room.

Today's event began early in the morning with the meeting at the municipal park and with the walk in the presence of the "Burcei Players". Then the meeting again in the park for refreshments prepared and organized by the cultural associations and women of Burcei. There was no shortage of demonstrations by sports associations (tennis, martial arts and good music). An important day wanted by everyone.

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