«Dear Excellency, dear Don Corrado, the news disclosed in recent days has pained and stunned me more than I could have imagined. They are moments of confusion and also of rebellion against those who formalize accusations that deep down in our hearts we know are not true."

Thus begins a letter sent by Cardinal Angelo Becciu to the bishop of Ozieri, Monsignor. Corrado Melis, investigated with the cardinal's brother, Antonino, and seven other people in the investigation by the Sassari prosecutor's office for alleged cases of money laundering and embezzlement.

«Someone advised me against writing to you - we read in Becciu's letter, dated 14 March - so as not to compromise my situation as a convicted felon. It's advice I reject. Advice I cannot accept. Indeed, having been unjustly convicted makes me freer to express myself. No condemnation can prevent me from being a Christian, from speaking freely and from raising my voice to express solidarity with those who suffer."

And he continues: "When you are innocent you have the duty - and not just the right - to testify to the truth, without tactics of any kind." "From experience - he continues - I know how much good the closeness and solidarity of brothers in faith do to the soul!". "Your suffering is mine - the cardinal writes -, it belongs to the priests, the consecrated women, the faithful of the diocese and all the people who know you".

«Those who know you know well the dedication with which you live your pastoral commitment, reserving “the front row” not only of your heart but also in your daily works for the last and the marginalized». «In recent years you have given us the example of courage and total dedication towards the flock that Pope Francis has entrusted to you - he adds -. I am sure that even in this difficult moment you will be an example in facing head-on the test that you are faced with."

The Sardinian cardinal then recalls that «Holy Week is approaching, days in which we will contemplate the One who with dignity and love faced the worst humiliations that human beings could suffer. It will be an example and strength for you, as it has always been in recent years for me and for all those who are tried by the suffering and injustices of life." According to Becciu, "Easter itself reminds us that the story of every man does not end on Good Friday but in the splendor of the Truth!". "I pray for you and your collaborators involved in the legal matter", he concludes.

According to the accusation, Bishop Melis and the other suspects would have made funds of 8 per thousand intended for the Diocese of Ozieri flow into the current accounts of the Spes cooperative, of which Becciu's brother, Antonino, is responsible. The documents of the Prosecutor's Office speak of a total sum equal to over 2 million euros which arrived at the disposal of Spes in the period between January 2013 and February 2023.


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