" Hemodynamics does not close, on the contrary it will be enhanced ". This was stated by Paolo Cannas, general director of the Nuoro ASL, in response to what was said by the president of the "Amici del cuore" patient association , who yesterday called for "an intervention by the Region following the closure of the Hemodynamics Unit of the 'San Francesco hospital ".

"For non-programmable and impromptu reasons - Cannas specified -, it was necessary to suspend activities for a couple of days , but it will resume regularly with round-the-clock shifts from Monday evening. If you were in an emergency, the patient would certainly have the answer adequate health, in times that guarantee an excellent service ".

"In the new company act - the CEO also said - an autonomous structure of Hemodynamics will be provided , so that there is the possibility of further growing this specialty and attracting new high-level professionals".

(Unioneonline / L)

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