Fourth black smoke for the election of the President of the Republic. Never before have the parties seem divided in a climate of increasingly chaos and uncertainty ( THE CHRONICLE ).

The day starts with Matteo Salvini's stop to the candidacy of centrist Pier Ferdinando Casini, and the decision to resort to mass abstention in order to give proof of compactness: what happened only once in history, in 1992.

The candidacy of the former foreign minister of the Berlusconi government Franco Frattini is advancing: a name that, relaunched by Matteo Salvini and opposed by the Democratic Party, has received the coldness of Fi and Fdi. The Northern League, in the umpteenth attempt to bring "his" name to the Colle, is also thinking of Giampiero Massolo, ambassador and president of Fincantieri, and of the jurist Sabino Cassese.

Throughout the call, rumors about the candidacy of Elisabetta Belloni, head of the secret services ( WHO IS ), are chased in the knots. But there are those who invite not to exclude Giuliano Amato until the very end. A screwing up in which the pressure on the name of Draghi rises, who spoke with Silvio Berlusconi and saw Antonio Tajani, blue coordinator, at Palazzo Chigi. A "cordial" conversation where, however, the position of Forza Italia was reiterated: "He must continue his work at the head of the government".

In this scenario, the votes gathered today in the ballot box for Sergio Mattarella rise to 166, a message for all leaders: if you don't hurry, an encore is the only way.

THE NAMES OF THE PD - In the morning the umpteenth Pd-M5s and Leu summit: "There is a need - comments the dem leader, Enrico Letta - that there is no winner or losers, we must all compete for a solution without winners and losers, if we do not leave this logic, I believe that we will not succeed ".

On the name of Frattini sources give Letta “deeply irritated”: “Enough provocations. The Democratic Party is a serious party that does not lend itself to botched improvisations, especially after days of twists and turns and lack of clarity ", let the Nazarene know. The names welcome to the Democratic Party remain those indicated on Wednesday by the secretary Enrico Letta, who had reiterated the squad welcome to the center-left: "For now, the center-right in its entirety has said no to all our hypotheses of third personalities: Mattarella, Draghi, Amato, Casini, Cartabia, Riccardi".

RENZI: "INDECOROUS SHOW" - In the evening, after 9pm, another summit of the center-right. And today there is also the split between Matteo Salvini and Matteo Renzi. The first does not curb his optimism: "My goal is to keep the center-right united and the majority together. I trust that tomorrow will be a good day", assures the Northern League leader.

Renzi, on the other hand, admonishes severely: "The indecent show of those who mistaken the election of the President of the Republic with the X Factor hearings proves only one thing: the citizens must be chosen directly by the citizens. They are ridiculing the highest moment of parliamentary democracy. ".

(Unioneonline / D)

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