To find out who will be the Sardinian regional secretary of the Democratic Party, we will have to wait until tomorrow.

The definitive data relating to the two challengers Piero Comandini and Giuseppe Meloni is not yet available given that the meeting of the guarantee commission which will have to decide on the counting of the two seats in Quartu Sant'Elena has been postponed to tomorrow afternoon, with 1800 ballots sub iudice after the complaint for an alleged "pollution of the vote by representatives of the centre-right". The president of the commission only remembered at the last moment that he had a medical examination.

The polls were sealed by the members of the polling station and since yesterday they have been in the headquarters of the regional Democratic Party in via Emilia in Cagliari.

Meloni is currently the most voted with over 18 thousand preferences, while Comandini has stopped at over 15 thousand. But in the calculation of the delegates Comandini would be ahead.

As far as the choice at national level is concerned, in Sardinia – in contrast with the rest of Italy – Stefano Bonaccini's victory over Elly Schlein is certain.


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