Children under 12 are exempt from the Green pass.

The Ministry of Health specifies this a few days after the start of the administration for children between 5 and 11 years : "The decree law - notes the ministry - clearly establishes that children under 12 are exempt from the green Covid-19 certification to access the activities and services for which the Green pass is required in our country ".

From December 16, even the smallest children will be able to receive their injection (at a reduced dosage) against Covid. Starting Wednesday, the first 1.5 million doses for pediatric use will be distributed to the Regions. The next day the administrations will start. Other supplies will follow starting from January 2022.

The audience of vaccinables is 3.6 million children. We will start with those "with high vulnerability" and those living with immunosuppressed subjects or those with high Covid frailty. On Wednesday, the vaccination obligation for school staff, military, police forces and public aid will start.

MINISTER HOPE - "Let's trust our pediatricians, it is not a bar subject, it is not a talk show subject. It is not even a subject for social networks, as unfortunately too often happens - said the Minister of Health, Roberto Speranza, in Potenza -. It is a delicate matter on which we must trust those who have dedicated an entire life to our children ".

The minister also spoke of the importance of the recalls: "The first data that we also have from other countries in Europe and the world, show us that with the recall we are more protected also against potential variants and therefore the recall is particularly important : my invitation to all citizens of our country is to book and go ". "We insist - he concluded - on the vaccination campaign which is the real lever we have to close this phase and open a different one".

ON THE ISLAND - In Sardinia, as in the rest of Italy, infections among children are growing, and schools are quarantined. After Cagliari, where the Primaries of Flavio Gioia close, in Aglientu yesterday the mayor Andrea Tirotto warned his fellow citizens, and "considering that some positivity to the antigenic swab occurred in the school complex, as a precaution and waiting to perform a screening on all pupils and teachers have arranged for the closure of schools, pending the results we recommend maximum attention in the whole community ".

The Higher Institute of Health reported a sharp increase in the incidence in the age group 6-11, which represents roughly 50% of diagnosed cases in the entire population between 0-19 years. In children aged 0 to 9, the incidence in the last week reached values exceeding 250 cases per 100 thousand inhabitants.

(Unioneonline / D)

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