With the decree approved yesterday in the Council of Ministers, the first of 2022 and the fifth since the end of November, comes yet another update of the anti-Covid measures to deal with the fourth wave of the virus that today led to yet another record of infections , with nearly 220,000 new positives detected in 24 hours.

Here is the calendar of the innovations introduced, from the new rules on school to the end of the compulsory vaccination for over 50s, therefore from 10 January to 15 June.

JANUARY 8, VACCINATION OBLIGATION FOR THE OVER 50s - The last decree comes into force (if it will be published in the Official Gazette tomorrow) and the vaccine obligation for all unemployed over 50 residents in Italy, Italians and foreigners, with the exception of of those who are exempt for health reasons. For those who have recovered from Covid, the obligation is triggered within a maximum of six months from the date of recovery. The obligation is valid until June 15 and also applies to all those who will turn 50 by that date. The penalty currently envisaged for those who do not respect the obligation is just one hundred euros.

10 JANUARY, THE SCHOOL STARTS AGAIN WITH NEW RULES - Back to class: in kindergarten teachers will have to wear Ffp2 masks, as well as in primary and secondary classes where there are pupils who do not have masks because they are exempt for specific reasons .

The rules on dad and the management of quarantines change. At the nursery, in the presence of a positive in the classroom, activities are suspended for 10 days; in elementary school with only one case the surveillance is applied, which provides a swab on the first and fifth day of the discovery of the case, and with two you go to dad for 10 days.

For middle and high school students three different steps: with a positive case one continues to go to school in person and self-monitoring and the obligation of Ffp2 masks are applied; with two cases those who are vaccinated with the booster or with two doses or still cured for less than 4 months remain in the classroom, those who are not vaccinated and vaccinated and cured for more than 120 days go into dad; with 3 positives, the whole class stays at home and follows the lessons remotely for a maximum of 10 days.

JANUARY 10, ALMOST LOCKDOWN FOR NON VACCINATES - The enhanced Green pass (obtainable only with vaccine or cure) will be mandatory everywhere. In particular, to get on trains, buses, subways and all other means of transport, eat in outdoor restaurants (as well as indoors, as already foreseen), to enter hotels, ski resorts, the gym or swimming pool , in a museum or at an exhibition, for fairs, conventions, congresses, wellness centers and spas (except for health services), for arcades and amusement parks. Also to participate in weddings or parties for civil or religious ceremonies.

JANUARY 10, DOSE BOOSTER ADVANCE - The third dose of the vaccine can be received 4 months after the second, instead of 5. These are not mandatory times.

JANUARY 20, FROM THE HAIRDRESSER WITH THE GREEN PASS - The obligation to have the "basic" pass, therefore the one obtainable even with a negative swab, to access personal services: barbers, hairdressers, beauticians.

1 FEBRUARY, THE SUPER GREEN PASS LASTS SIX MONTHS - The duration of the green certificate obtained with the vaccine or with the cure is shortened: those who have received the last dose for over six months will see their Green pass expire if they do not make a further dose of vaccine.

1 FEBRUARY, BASIC PASS FOR POSTS, BANKS AND SHOPS - The basic Green pass becomes mandatory also for shopping and to access any public office or banks or postal services. Without the Green pass you can only go to the supermarket and pharmacy.

FEBRUARY 15, OVER 50 AT WORK WITH THE SUPER GREEN PASS - "Public and private workers - including those in the judiciary and magistrates - who have turned 50, must show the Super Green pass at work", which is obtained with the vaccine or with Covid recovery. Those who do not do so will not receive the salary but will keep their job. The fine for those who work without a reinforced certificate is much higher than that for those who do not comply with the obligation, ranging from 600 to 1,500 euros.

28 FEBRUARY, STOP TO FREE TESTS FOR STUDENTS - Until the end of February in lower and upper secondary schools, students who have to do self-surveillance can be tested for free.

MARCH 31, STOP TO FFP2 CALMIERATE - The commissioner for the emergency Francesco Figliuolo will sign a protocol with pharmacies and authorized dealers in January to limit the price of the Ffp2 masks until March 31. The maximum price is set at 75 cents.

MARCH 31, THE STATE OF EMERGENCY EXPIRES - At the moment it is not possible to know if the State of Emergency will be renewed.

15 JUNE, THE VACCINATION OBLIGATION GOES - For the over 50s the vaccine obligation ends, as decided at the time by the last decree.

(Unioneonline / L)

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