Rejected with 46 votes out of 72 the motion of censure to the Lombard councilor for security Romano La Russa , who asked to "revoke the appointment as regional councilor", for "an act of celebration of fascism", first signed by the leader of the Democratic Party, Fabio Pizzul, and signed by numerous exponents of all minority groups.

No consequence therefore for the commissioner (and Ignazio's brother) who, on the occasion of the funeral of his brother-in-law and right-wing exponent Alberto Stabilini, had participated in the “present” rite .

" I immediately apologized to those who felt offended because I understood the inappropriateness of the gesture, which damaged my party more than anyone else. And these are excuses that I renew today with even more conviction, if needed", he said. "I would have imagined another entry into the classroom and I regret it first of all with myself. For my part there is no will that wants to be contrary to the text of the Constitution, which I have always served and accepted even if in some passages I might not like it, in all my institutional activities ". The event, he explains, "was an end in itself and had nothing to do with political significance ". Furthermore, the Roman salute is performed "not with much conviction" because, he admits, "I was aware of the gesture I was going to make, done in order not to fail at the last wishes of Alberto". For La Russa, the affair has become "incomprehensibly" national news because "everything is allowed in the electoral campaign".

For the Democratic Party, "we are faced with the total unawareness of how the institutional role is represented" and the "impossibility of holding the office with honor". According to Fdi's group leader Barbara Mazzali , the gesture of the Roman salute is "without political value", so much so that "party leader Giorgia Meloni has defined it as anti-historical". The gesture, "for when it can be traced back to a private moment - he adds - does not represent the political position linked to the Brothers of Italy party, but a personal gesture". The media hype, for Mazzali, was "an electoral propaganda tool to evoke ghosts that do not belong to our party". The intervention of the Forza Italia group leader, Gianluca Comazzi, follows the same line: "It is clear that there is no danger of fascism in this region as in this country". The commissioner then "apologized, so there is no theme".

(Unioneonline / D)

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